Favorite Influential Photo

At first glance I thought this was actually a crown, and the reason that I clicked on it was because I’ve recently heard about the Prince Harry news and was wondering if it had to do with royalty. Right when I clicked on the image I saw that it was named “Milk Drop Coronet”. I was confused for a bit, since I didn’t even see anything like that. It took a minute for me to realize that it was a drop of milk. The photographer Harold Edgerton, got great timing on his photograph. I’m not sure whether or not his intention was to capture this exact image or not but either way he did a great job on photographing the moment. Another compositional feature that I noticed right away was the color contrast. The white milk droplet with the red and black background really made the milk pop. Also the red looks so clean and sleek that the audience can see the glare of the milk off of the red surface.

The lighting is perfect, even though from what I had read was that this was shot in a very dark room and he had to use multiple light sources to light up his subject. He learned to how to have the shutter and the flash go off at the same exact time which was a great improvement for photography at the time. This allowed him to also have other great pieces that involved the incredible timing. I believe that since this was shot in the 1950’s the picture was way ahead of its time because of its quality and composition. Overall the work of Harold Edgerton is interesting to look at because of his amazing timing and compositional features.

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